Mentions légales Politique de confidentialité


Responsible for the content:

Hermann Fröhlich Maschinenelemente GmbH
Larsheck 12
GERMANY 56271 Kleinmaischeid

Phone: (00 49 26 89) 60 06
Fax: (00 49 26 89) 55 98

Managing director: Marianne aus den Erlen, Björn aus den Erlen
Commercial register number: HRB 15034, local court Montabaur • VAT number: DE 814458237

Content of the online offer

We don't take over any warranty at all for the actuality, the correctness, the completeness or the quality of the provided information. We formally reserve to change, to add or to delete parts or the complete offer without any preannouncement. We also formally reserve to stop the offer occasionally or finally. Claims of liability against us, which correlate on material or immaterial damages, as well as consequential damages, which are caused by the use or the disuse of the presented information respectively caused by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are strictly excluded.

Personal data and data protection

Personal data is an information, which can be used to find out your identity. These are information like your real name, address, postal address and phone number. Information, which are not linked directly with your real identity (as for instance favoured web sites or the number of users of a site) don?t belong to these dates. Basically you can use our online offer without the disclosure of your identity. A passing on of personal information is therefore basically excluded. In purpose of security, dates which possibly enable an identification (e.g. IP-address, date, time and regarded pages) are saved on our server. There is no personal analysis at all. The statistic analysis of anonymised dates remain under reserve.

Application of cookies

The use of our offers is possible without any cookies (small files with configuration information). We currently don't use any cookies and we don't capture any personal data by cookies.

Copyright and law of identification

All inside our internet offer named, and if applicable by third protected brand- and trademarks, are absolute subject to the regulations of the in each case relevant law of identification. Only based on the pure naming, it can?t be concluded that the trademark is not protected by the rights of third.

Legal force of this disclaimer

This legal disclaimer must be regarded as part of this internet offer. Even if parts or single formulations of these texts don't, didn't or don't correspond completely to applicable law, all the rest parts will stay untouched in their validity.


All rights reserved. Every reprography and processing in every medium as a whole or in parts needs our explicit and written acceptance.


Téléphone: +49-(0)2689-6006
Fax: +49-(0)2689-5598

Office hours:
Mo-Do 08:00 - 17:00h
Fr 08:00 - 13:00h

Hermann Fröhlich Maschinenelemente GmbH
Larsheck 12
56271 Kleinmaischeid

© Hermann Fröhlich Maschinenelemente GmbH
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